1 year ago
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Tuesday's Tip
Homemade Laundry Soap
You don't even have to be crunchy to get behind this one.
I found the idea on Pinterest. Of course. And have been making my own for awhile now. Keeping in mind we are a family of five with one husband who sweats a lot when working out, an 11 year old who is starting to stink, 3 kids in sports pretty much year around and a 5 year old who can't keep his shirt on so he ends up with 3 hardly worn shirts per day in the hamper...I would say that one batch of this lasting almost 5 months is pretty good, don't you think?!
The cost for 4 1/2 months worth of laundry soap? Less than $20!
So here you go.
You're welcome.
You don't even have to be crunchy to get behind this one.
I found the idea on Pinterest. Of course. And have been making my own for awhile now. Keeping in mind we are a family of five with one husband who sweats a lot when working out, an 11 year old who is starting to stink, 3 kids in sports pretty much year around and a 5 year old who can't keep his shirt on so he ends up with 3 hardly worn shirts per day in the hamper...I would say that one batch of this lasting almost 5 months is pretty good, don't you think?!
The cost for 4 1/2 months worth of laundry soap? Less than $20!
So here you go.
You're welcome.
1 4 lb 12 oz box of 20 Mule Team Borax
1 4 lb box Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
1 box Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda 55 oz
3 bars of Fels-Naptha soap, found in the detergent isle. (Grated)
2 small containers of Oxy Clean
*I mix mine up in a big bucket with a lid that I bought at Walmart. Then I save one of the Oxy-Clean scoops to use as my laundry soap scooper.
*I use one scoop per load unless the load is really stinky and I've had no problems with the everything dissolving in the cold water temp I usually use.
*I've read that it is safe for front loaders as well since it doesn't foam up at all...but I have no first hand knowledge of that.
*You'll have to get used to there not being that perfumed scent. But your clothes ARE getting clean!
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
Five Fankfuls for Friday
I got the idea of "Fankful Friday" from my friend, Gretchen. I like to steal good ideas.
I don't think she minds.
Then I added the "Five" and "for". Cause I like alliteration and numbered lists.
And I might be a little OCD.
Five Fankfuls for Friday
1) I'm fankful for Weight Watchers...for it's program that encourages healthy choices, moderation in special treats, no specific restrictions and exercise. I'm also fankful for my renewed motivation and determination to get healthier and in turn skinnier and more comfortable in "real" clothes again.
And by "real" clothes I mean something other then yoga pants.
2) This week I'm fankful for newish friends reaching out to me. I've been feeling a little lonely lately and it's really nice to be the one reached out to instead of having to do the reaching out.
Sounds selfish but it's the truth.
3) Fankful for a day off this past Monday and that we live close enough to the coast that we can spontaneously jump in the car and head over for the day. And an extra bonus: It was gorgeous, warm and sunny there and that was much needed after the week of thick fog our town was experiencing.
4) Fankful for Pinterest.
Is that too shallow?
While I do enjoywasting spending unknown amounts of time on there laughing at ecards, coveting dream homes, dreaming of the day I'll be skinnier enough to wear those cute outfits, I also get some amazing parenting ideas and lots of yummy recipes to make this healthy eating a little more interesting.
5) Fankful for these guys:
I'm pretty sure no explanation is necessary...
I don't think she minds.
Then I added the "Five" and "for". Cause I like alliteration and numbered lists.
And I might be a little OCD.
Five Fankfuls for Friday
1) I'm fankful for Weight Watchers...for it's program that encourages healthy choices, moderation in special treats, no specific restrictions and exercise. I'm also fankful for my renewed motivation and determination to get healthier and in turn skinnier and more comfortable in "real" clothes again.
And by "real" clothes I mean something other then yoga pants.
2) This week I'm fankful for newish friends reaching out to me. I've been feeling a little lonely lately and it's really nice to be the one reached out to instead of having to do the reaching out.
Sounds selfish but it's the truth.
3) Fankful for a day off this past Monday and that we live close enough to the coast that we can spontaneously jump in the car and head over for the day. And an extra bonus: It was gorgeous, warm and sunny there and that was much needed after the week of thick fog our town was experiencing.
4) Fankful for Pinterest.
Is that too shallow?
While I do enjoy
5) Fankful for these guys:
I'm pretty sure no explanation is necessary...
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Sunday, January 6, 2013
a glimpse...
outside my window... a cold night which makes me ever grateful for our sweet, little rental house in our safe neighborhood.
i'm thankful for... generous friends who loaned us a car that would fit our family of 5 while our van's transmission was being rebuilt and for a brother of a coworker who has rebuilt transmissions for 20 years who agreed to do it AND to except payments for his good work.
i am learning... that I haven't always been a great friend, mom, wife, daughter, sister, etc, etc. But also learning how to be better in those areas. Thank you, Jesus.
from the kitchen... my new milk frother from my MIL. It makes my foo foo creamer yummier and frothier. Duh.
i am wearing... comfy over-sized pajama pants and my summer mission trip t-shirt.
i am creating... a few things from Pinterest. Hopefully they are not Pintrocities.
i am going... to start Weight Watchers again this week. Something needs to give...preferably my weight.
i am reading... my Bible...much in the book of James. Some times I think I should cut my own tongue out. Mockingjay...it's taken me forever to get my hands on the 3rd book. Made to Crave...reading it again actually. Best "diet" book I've read EVAH.
i am hoping... to stay motivated. Period.
i am hearing... The Biggest Loser on the TV. I am eating a bowl of ice cream. The irony is not lost on me...
around the house... spots on my carpet, crumbs on my floor, dirt on the walls, laundry piled high, dirty dishes and bathrooms...and I wouldn't change any of it since it means my family of 5 is here, together, and healthy.
one of my favorite things... my iPad. Yes, I'm shallow like that. Best.purchase.of.2012.
a few plans for the rest of the week... basketball, basketball and more basketball thanks to 3 cute kids. Subbing for a Bunko group. Woohoo! And I willtorture myself exercise. There I said it. It's in writing. That will help, right???
a picture thought i am sharing with you...
I took this in the rain forest exhibit at California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. God's creation is so stinkin' amazing!!!!
i'm thankful for... generous friends who loaned us a car that would fit our family of 5 while our van's transmission was being rebuilt and for a brother of a coworker who has rebuilt transmissions for 20 years who agreed to do it AND to except payments for his good work.
i am learning... that I haven't always been a great friend, mom, wife, daughter, sister, etc, etc. But also learning how to be better in those areas. Thank you, Jesus.
from the kitchen... my new milk frother from my MIL. It makes my foo foo creamer yummier and frothier. Duh.
i am wearing... comfy over-sized pajama pants and my summer mission trip t-shirt.
i am creating... a few things from Pinterest. Hopefully they are not Pintrocities.
i am going... to start Weight Watchers again this week. Something needs to give...preferably my weight.
i am reading... my Bible...much in the book of James. Some times I think I should cut my own tongue out. Mockingjay...it's taken me forever to get my hands on the 3rd book. Made to Crave...reading it again actually. Best "diet" book I've read EVAH.
i am hoping... to stay motivated. Period.
i am hearing... The Biggest Loser on the TV. I am eating a bowl of ice cream. The irony is not lost on me...
around the house... spots on my carpet, crumbs on my floor, dirt on the walls, laundry piled high, dirty dishes and bathrooms...and I wouldn't change any of it since it means my family of 5 is here, together, and healthy.
one of my favorite things... my iPad. Yes, I'm shallow like that. Best.purchase.of.2012.
a few plans for the rest of the week... basketball, basketball and more basketball thanks to 3 cute kids. Subbing for a Bunko group. Woohoo! And I will
a picture thought i am sharing with you...
Friday, January 4, 2013
Auld Lang Syne
Should old acquaintance be forgot???
I think NOT.
Or so my best intentions thinks.
I don't do New Years resolutions. But for auld lang syne let's see if I can't be a better friend to ye olde blog.
And what's the easiest way to start back up then to not mince words but simply post a picture of cute kids to entice you...
...and that's how this family rolls.
I think NOT.
Or so my best intentions thinks.
I don't do New Years resolutions. But for auld lang syne let's see if I can't be a better friend to ye olde blog.
And what's the easiest way to start back up then to not mince words but simply post a picture of cute kids to entice you...
...and that's how this family rolls.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
2012 Summer Missions
family and friends!
really prepares you for that kind of phone call. When I saw the children’s
school was calling in the middle of the day, my first thought was, “I hope
everything is ok”. When the Principal said, “Mr. Cordero it’s about your
daughter...” my anxiety shot through the roof.
The Principal told me Emma was called into her office to talk about how
sharing her faith with her Muslim classmate was causing some problems. Phew! So
that was it? No broken bones? No strange sickness? No need for ambulance or
fire trucks!?? Nope. Just a call to tell me that my 8 year old daughter,
concerned about the eternal destination of her Muslim classmate, was sharing with
him that he would be going to hell if he didn’t believe in Jesus as his Savior.
The school didn’t mind that she was sharing her faith, it’s just that she was
emphasizing the “going to hell” part and he had asked her to stop. He was
getting uncomfortable. I had to be honest with the Principal and let her know
that we encourage our children to share their faith but would certainly address
the manner in which she does it. Like I said, nothing really prepares you for
that kind of call. We had a very sweet
and prayerful discussion with Emma that night. We didn’t want to discourage her
from sharing her faith but wanted to let her know that she can certainly plant
the seed and let the Holy Spirit do the rest of the work.
1 Peter 3:15--but in your hearts honor
Christ the Lord as holy, always being
to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope
is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.
wrestled with a few questions that night. How come no one asks me to stop
sharing my faith? Answer: because I don’t share. How come people who don’t know Jesus Christ as
their personal Savior aren’t uncomfortable around me? Answer: because I don’t
have the boldness of an 8 year old to tell the lost the single most important
thing they will ever need to know! Romans 10:17 says: “faith comes from
hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ”. And how will they hear if we don’t
go and tell them? Well…I learned a lesson from Emma; as God’s children we are
missionary’s every day. In our homes. In our schools. In our neighborhoods. In
the pet store. At work. And yes…in Eastern Oregon.
June 23th our family will head to the small town of Ukiah, Oregon for a week
with several other families from our church with an ultimate goal of serving
and making disciples.
2 Corinthians 5:20—Therefore, we are ambassadors for
Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us.
We are
excited to see the opportunities that God has is store for us to love and serve
our neighbor. Although Ukiah only has 186 people in the entire town, it’s a
town with significant physical and spiritual need. Ukiah’s median household
income is nearly $6,000 less than the state average and the unemployment
percentage is significantly above the state average. The percentage of
population affiliated with a religious congregation is 7% less than the rest of
the U.S. And, those that are “religious”,
65% are either Catholic, Mormon, Seventh Day Adventist…only 4.8% are Christian.
the week we’ll be putting on Vacation Bible School, working on service projects
and doing other forms of Community Outreach. The preparation we are doing ahead
of time is really helping us to be better equipped to confidently share the
good news with anyone who is ready and willing to hear! In order for us to
serve on this short term mission trip though, there are some things we do need
from our family and friends.
We are hoping that you would consider supporting us in one
or both of the following areas:
1) Prayer. Please consider praying that the Holy Spirit
will move in the lives of the families that our team will come in contact with.
Our ultimate goal is to see Him glorified and lives changed. Please consider
praying for health and stamina for our family as we serve and that we remain
focused on selfless giving. Also, consider praying that each member of our
family will be impacted and moved individually as we share God’s word.
2) Financially. Our family needs to raise
$800.00 to fully fund this trip. If you are able and willing to help in this
way please send checks or money orders to Salem Heights Church (375 Madrona Ave
Salem, OR 97302) by JUNE 15TH. Please put ‘Cordero Family’ in the memo line!
As we
prepare for this trip I continue to think about how precious it was that Emma
truly didn’t want to see her classmate perish and felt the need to share. She
has inspired me to try and take every opportunity I can to share with other’s
the hope that I have in Jesus. Your support helps make that happen. We truly
appreciate any form of support you’re able to help with, either prayer or with
funding for our trip (or both!).
to you,
Billy, Cathy, Will, Emma and Lincoln
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
in case you were wondering...
Outside my window...a chilly night, but I'm thankful for a warm home. Christmas lights on houses, but not ours because we're saving money this year.:)
I am thankful for... the gift of Jesus. Perspective. Faithful friends. God's grace. Provision.
From the learning rooms...R.E.S.P.E.C.T. We have a 10 year old, so a lot of teaching in this area is needed.
From the kitchen...Trying a lot of Pinterest recipes out these days. All very yummy so far. Trying not to bake too many Christmas treats since I WILL eat them if they are there.:)
I am wearing...stretchy pants. Hey, it's 11:30pm after all.
I am creating...a couple crafty things from....Pinterest, of course. But they're Christmas presents so I can't tell...shhhhh.
I am going...to a sweet friend's house tomorrow. Lincoln requested a "play date" with her daughter and it gives us moms an excuse to chat and have fun too!
I am reading... or TRYING to read a hundred different books that I haven't finished. Someday... But I AM reading the book of James. Conviction. Repeat with me..."Conviction".
I am hoping...to have the will power to start exercising regularly. Lose 40 pounds. Be healthy. ...and actually stick to it. :p
I am hearing...the fridge running. Property Brothers on HGTV. Myself yawning. My fingers typing.
Around the house...white Christmas lights, Christmas trees, laundry, special secrets, 1 clean bathroom, 1 dirty bathroom, sleeping children, groceries that still need putting away, dust...but what's new.
One of my favorite things...kisses from my children, bear hugs from my husband, and dark chocolate. Okay, that wasn't just one...but who's counting.
A few plans for the rest of the week... a play date for Lincs and mama. Family coming into town. A going away party. Foster Parent Night Out at our church. The kids last day of school for a few weeks. And The Nutcracker Tea in the "big city" with a friend and our daughters.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...the hunt for the perfect Christmas tree. Tradition. The gorgeous Pacific NW. My beautiful family.:)

I am thankful for... the gift of Jesus. Perspective. Faithful friends. God's grace. Provision.
From the learning rooms...R.E.S.P.E.C.T. We have a 10 year old, so a lot of teaching in this area is needed.
From the kitchen...Trying a lot of Pinterest recipes out these days. All very yummy so far. Trying not to bake too many Christmas treats since I WILL eat them if they are there.:)
I am wearing...stretchy pants. Hey, it's 11:30pm after all.
I am creating...a couple crafty things from....Pinterest, of course. But they're Christmas presents so I can't tell...shhhhh.
I am going...to a sweet friend's house tomorrow. Lincoln requested a "play date" with her daughter and it gives us moms an excuse to chat and have fun too!
I am reading... or TRYING to read a hundred different books that I haven't finished. Someday... But I AM reading the book of James. Conviction. Repeat with me..."Conviction".
I am hoping...to have the will power to start exercising regularly. Lose 40 pounds. Be healthy. ...and actually stick to it. :p
I am hearing...the fridge running. Property Brothers on HGTV. Myself yawning. My fingers typing.
Around the house...white Christmas lights, Christmas trees, laundry, special secrets, 1 clean bathroom, 1 dirty bathroom, sleeping children, groceries that still need putting away, dust...but what's new.
One of my favorite things...kisses from my children, bear hugs from my husband, and dark chocolate. Okay, that wasn't just one...but who's counting.
A few plans for the rest of the week... a play date for Lincs and mama. Family coming into town. A going away party. Foster Parent Night Out at our church. The kids last day of school for a few weeks. And The Nutcracker Tea in the "big city" with a friend and our daughters.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...the hunt for the perfect Christmas tree. Tradition. The gorgeous Pacific NW. My beautiful family.:)

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