Don't you just love moments like this?! And you can tell that he is sooo proud of himself!
My big boy has now graduated from Kindergarten and considers himself a 1st grader. His favorite part about it...."next year I get to be at school ALL day and not have rest time at home!"
We're so proud of him! He has become so good at reading and his cursive writing is better than some highschoolers I've seen!
Emma at the head of the table, of course, at their end of the year "tea party"! Boy did I hear stories about this one from her teacher! Always the "mom" or "teacher, she had to learn to give up control! She did get the opportunity to be "teacher" for part of the day at one point this year and was upset because it wasn't for the WHOLE day:) I was also told that she was always making up a song about surprise here! Just yesterday a classmate said the word, "butt" and was told that wasn't ok, and Miss Emma proceeded to sing a little song, "you're not supposed to say butt, you're not supposed to say butt" etc. etc. And chapel days were her favorite, because she would say when she saw someone singing on stage, "someday I want to be up there singing!" Oh Emma!
Emma and her beloved Mrs. Adams.