Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You might be a Redneck if.... use a child's baton to reach the fast forward button of your VCR. still "record" your shows on your old school VCR.

...there's no clock and no way to program and no remote for your VCR. have a basket propping up the broken shelves that hold your VCR. decide to take the picture during the worst commercial/preview possible just because you want to blog about your VCR.


Kendra said...

Girl, you seriously need a technological update! I cannot live without my DVR, and that's sad but true.

harmonysong said...

What the heck is that commercial?!

Mrs. M said...

You might be a redneck if you still HAVE a VCR! :) Love the creative thinking though with the baton!!

We have no VCR, yet we still have some VHS tapes lying around. Guess we ought to do something about those!

Acker Family said...

Um, if it makes you feel any better we totally have a VCR still and also record shows with it!! I'm up for new technology if someone would just buy me a DVR or whatever it's called! :)

Family of 5 said...

Hey it's cool...if our VCR still worked I would record shows way to go...and just think of the awesome deals you can find on VHS! :) Love it! Glad your back for some bloggin' even if it was about the VCR!

Carpool Queen said...

You've earned your Blogger Card today, sister.

Amanda said...

You're hilarious. I love you. I miss you. Come. Here. Tomorrow! We will feed you all weekend long. The End.

Amanda said...

...and I will baby you if you still don't feel good. :(

Gretchen said...

VCR DVD DVR...doesn't matter, as long as you're sedentary, baby!

Hope you get an update one of these days, my rednecky friend. But I loved this.

Yule {b}Log said...

...cracking up.

Amber said...



What is on tv???? Is that a maxi pad commercial? Because that would be sweet. Either that or a commercial on ED. Now that would be fun.

really.truly said...

HA! Very cute.

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

We have a VCR here somewhere but it's not hooked up to our tv (singular) and so we don't tape shows. We don't have a DVR either. I sent my family to the back of the house last week so I could watch The Bachelor. John wasn't buying it this week. It's really inconvenient for me. So much so that I may go dig that VCR out before next Monday night.