Monday, October 18, 2010

I'm gonna miss...

You're reading a new blog post. Crazy, I know.

No, it won't be covering the past 4 months of our lives that I haven't blogged about yet.

It will be covering some feelings I've had over the past few weeks that reached a monumental peak last night as our family sat down and watched old home movies together. Might I suggest that if you're trying to be okay with the fact that your kids are getting bigger and growing up faster than a speeding bullet this is NOT the thing to do. If you don't want to get weepy, have your ovaries hurt, and beg your husband to reverse a certain procedure, again, this is NOT the thing to do.

However, if you do want to be reminded that this time with your children (disrespectful, stinky attitudes and all) is fleeting, a blip, and that you need to slow down and enjoy this time with them, than by all means pull out the old movies. Just like I did when once again I was reminded that someday...

I'm gonna miss...

...hopping around on one foot because the other was destroyed by tiny play things (notice the crumbs too).

...pen scribbles on the walls.

...piles upon piles of folded (but mostly unfolded) laundry., shoes everywhere.

...potty training, potty dribbles, potty puddles, potty step-stools. of art.

...pretties, purses, play clothes.

...sleeping babes.

...the view.
...what's left from trying to fill the hollow legs of my children.

...Star Wars.

...the homework, no! But the boy((s) and girl) behind the homework...a heart aching yes.

So if you see me a little less around these parts (but hopefully more often than every 4 months) it's only because I'm off enjoying those things little people that are pulling at my heart strings and at my hands to come play...


Erin said...

very sweet! I especially nice the beautiful view out your window. My mirrors could also be added to that. At least with winter coming and the sun not shining through, you can't see the smudges as well on the windows!

Mrs. M said...

Lovely post - I will remind myself of these things often too, our kids grow up so fast!

Amanda said...

How did you know that I broke down and blubbered over our 10 year anniversary dinner last weekend? I cried because I was thinking of the next 10 years and realized that by then my Joe will probably be gone, all grown. The fingerprints just get to stay now....they won't be here forever, eh? And you have sweet, sweet children to enjoy! Miss you C!!

runninggal said...

I am totally with you Cathy!

Basking in the Son said...

I was recently heard saying, "someday the kids will grow up, move out and I will miss them, but not their stuff." Okay, so I probably will even miss all their stuff!

Chelan said...

I'm w/you too. I loved this post. I think it's a good goal for us to post at least once a month though...right?! I'm breaking up w/FB for a while and this yr will be doing more: reading the Word, journaling about it, writing songs and spending fam-time (more 1-on-1).
When I do blog, I've been focusing on stuff like family recipes, adorable sayings, holidays, milestones and monumental lessons. THings that will hold meaning to my kids when they (if they) go online when they move out...and (if they have any free time) want to read about their family history or any of those things I listed.
I'm thinking of my blog as more of an online legacy of me and our family...mainly for myself and for them when they get older.
Just my thoughts!
Love & missees - pls dont abandon blogging altogether!!