He's got his head in the prayin' game....
(Saying the blessing before dinner.)
"Dear Dog (God),
All done."
He's got his head in the bloggin' game...
Guess he thought I needed a little help with my blog posts. Guess posting once a week wasn't enough for him. Guess he was getting started on one for me....an eye witness account regarding the travesties (cleanliness and organization) of the Master "Suite".
And he's got his head in THE GAME...the High School Musical game that is.
This would be
And wouldn't you know it, his BEST performances have yet to be caught on video (and he's recently acquired some NEW moves) so these will have to suffice...
...darkness, diaper, focus/sound problems and all....
Hilarious! Dude, he must be burning a TON of calories! Maybe I should do that, I might be a lot skinnier if I moved and grooved all day like that! :) Love it! THAnks for sharing Lincoln momentS!
Haha! I love that he is a HSM fan already!! ;-)
Way too cute for words! He's got some really groovy moves, and I wish I had only half that energy! Thanks for sharing :-)
Okay. Two things.
1) I was all giddy when I saw the pictures...because I'VE BEEN THERE!!! I don't know why that makes me feel all special and stuff...but it does. And I still adore your "always kiss me goodnight" sign. Love it.
2) I know that dance!! And I love Linc's version!! He is just the darndest cutest thing ever. LOVE IT.
I love it when the kids get the camera and take pics. It gives me such an insight into their little personalities.
A star is born. :)
Crack.me.up.--especially the diapers and big 'ol shoes version...
What a sweetie, makes me miss my babies!!!
I was just thinking of doing a post w/ the pics Julia took w/ my camera! They are quite inventive, that's for sure!!
Seriously, this is the cutest blog post I've read all week! What sweet boy!
Um, what a cutie!!! Too bad I've never seen those movies-I just might have to rent them :)
Okay. I hope that boy never grows up. Well, I know he's going to and he can't stay 2 forever. But I hoe he keeps his innocence and zest for life.
And his prayer... LOVE IT! Imagine how God must feel... <3
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