Thursday, May 21, 2009

KIDisms and such

I'm struggling today...and feeling a little overwhelmed.

Wanting to blog...but struggling about what to write or how to write it.

Wanting to be a better mama...but struggling keeping my cool and extending grace.

Wanting to not care or worry about certain things...but struggling to leave them at Jesus' feet and find joy.

And there are some other things too... but some things are better kept between me and God.

So, with that, I'm going to take care of one of these things (for now anyway) and leave you with this post of KIDisms that had been gathering in my head, on paper, and on video.

And then, while the kids are sleeping, I'm going to go do something that will most assuredly build my spirit back up (and take care of the rest of those things)...I'm going to spend a little time with my Father.


Just a few sweet things about my kids that I'm remembering in hard copy, because my "rememberer" doesn't work as well as it used to and I have a feeling it's only down hill from here...:)

~~~I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE little kid tan lines...especially when it's the boys backside and the shorts have slipped down a little. One of the few times that "plumber crack" is cute and OK. (and I'm not the least bit bothered that my kids get better tans than I do...ahem...actually I'm VERY glad that they mostly have their daddy's skin, because really I don't wish pastey white with a touch of freckle fair skin that burns first on anybody.)

~~~We rarely have any kind of juice in the house, so when my parents gave us some leftover juice they had, the hubs thought for sure the kid's would want some, so he poured it for them at dinner. Well, Babes wasn't drinking hers and Hubs reminded her to, when she blurted out, "I told you Daddy that I didn't want juice in the third place!" I guess the first place, and perhaps the second place, as well, were taken.

~~~(Babes is eating dinner.)

Babes: (She sighs.) "I'm just trying hard to eat my broccoli."

Me: "Good for you! I'm glad."

Babes: "Your pleasure." (...pretty sure me meant to say "My pleasure", but either way I was rollin'!)


And for your viewing pleasure...

His daddy is so proud. And his mama wonders what the heck is wrong with her voice?! Do I really sound like that to the rest of you? Because that is not how I think I sound. I sound like a gomer on video or voicemail or whatever. I do, of course, sound totally different in person. Hey, it's my little world. Let me live in it. :)


Yule {b}Log said...

I love spending time with the Father, too. Have fun.

At OUR house, we call the "plumber's crack" a "grout line". Seeing as daddy is a tile setter and all.

Little Man looks so nice in heels. I dare you to let him wear them to church on Sunday.

Amanda said...

Your voice is lower in real life and we would all love it if you just say "ooooh soo pretty, so pretty" to us all day. Then we don't care HOW your voice sounds....

Mrs. M said...

I wake up every morning vowing to be the best mom ever, to keep my cool and do fun things and be very very patient. I have great days. I have horrible days. But I keep trying. I always think my voice sounds very weird on tape and I always go "Is THAT what I REALLY sound like?". Love the little toe tapper you have there. ;-)

Carpool Queen said...

I want pink heels and to look that adorable.

Family of 5 said...

adorable video feature of your lil man in heels! Love the way he shuffles back and forth!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you're overwhelmed and struggling.

Loved the KIDisms! They made me smile. Thanks.

Amber said...

Girl, I'm with you in the overwhelmed boat. Could be why I'm just now reading this post.

I'm praying peace all over you, girl.

Little tooshie tan favorite!!!!

Native American Momma said...

Third place lmao!!!
She is too cute