What time is it?! It's Not Me! Monday time! What time is it?! It's Not Me! Monday!
Did I sufficiently pump you up enough to join MckMama and the rest of us by being brutally honest about this past week and, of course, living to tell about it? Do you have Not Me! Monday spirit? Well, I do! So here it goes...
I most definitely have not resorted to grabbing camera and snapping pictures before I discipline floss-unraveling Monsters
When we took our little excursion to OMSI this past week, we absolutely did not find a dead, cooked? whole chicken laying in the middle of the sidewalk in downtown Portland. That would just be too weird. But if that had happened I later would not have found myself wishing that I had taken a picture of the disgusting mass to prove that I was not making up that crazy story. Nope. Not me!
And I would absolutely never write about it in back to back posts.
And while at OMSI, after having been OK with the fact that the Boa snake was out of it's cage and my children were touching it, did not quickly vacate the premises when they decided to take a Giant Hissing Cockroach from it's abode. Because I'm still unsure what the purpose of those would be and I have no desire to find out. Definitely not me.
And lastly, you would not have found me beaming when my hubby who never reads my blog read my post about "the chicken" and was cracking up. It would not be most important to me that my spouse find my blog most interesting and creative, and I would not hope that he will continue to read it on a regular basis. Nope. Not Me!
Think that's about it for this week. Not much can top the chicken.
So....TAG! You're it! Don't spoil the fun!

Congratulations! You were first on MckMama's Mr. Linky this week!! Good list. Crazy about the chicken...
Congrats Cathy in the NW~~~~~!!!!!!
I know you are DYING!
Maybe lucky # 13 will get the other prize!
Hope you have a great Monday girl!
Congratulations on being the first on Mr. Linky!
YAY Congrats you won a photo book from MckMama! Enjoy
You're little boys are cute!
I would have taken a picture of the chicken!! Ha! Oh and I do not blame you for exiting when the cockroach came out. Really, who needs to see one of those? Eww!
Congrats on getting first and winnig the prize. We'll just call you qick draw McGraw!
I would have been right there with you when the cockroach came out. Yuck!
Happy Not Me! Monday & congrats on winning the photo book!
Congrats on being number 1!!! You are QUICK! :)
oh, such fun. loved the chicken story. what in the world!!
so good job on the refresh fingers!! way to be number one. is it just me or do you get this crazy shot of adrenaline just getting in the top 10?? (two weeks in a row, i might add!)
so now it's off to be productive. because i'm sure that the hubster would NOT share my love for NMM, nor would he be in the LEAST impressed that i made the top ten. nope, not him!!
Hiya Cathy - here to visit your Not Me Monday post! Excellent work - and you're #1 at that!?! Whooot! :) Congrats!
Congrats on being #1 on MckMama's blog!! That is such an awesome feat. I do not get excited when my husband reads my blog too.
I find myself doing the same thing with my camera! Picture first, and then react! :) Hey! You're first on MckMama's list and I'm your first comment! Yeah for you and Yeah for me!
Congrats on being the first on MckMama's blog! What a great prize to win!
AAAaagh, how'd you do that so fast!?? Congrats on #1. I was hurrying so fast I couldn't get last week's link deleted apparently and linked to last week's post and had to go back and do it again for this weeks and ended up in the 100's!! This is getting crazy!!
Looks like you were first! Congratulations!
I, too, have NOT been known to snap quick pictures of my daughter's lovely forays into the troublesome. And I HAVE NEVER snapped shots of her in precarious positions before helping her out of them, either. That would be wrong of us, right?
I got here via MckMama's page and I think your children are adorable!!!
Great "Not Me"! Found you through MckMama's. A dead chicken? YUCK! Much more exciting than my week!
You were NOT the first to comment an win those photo book materials! NOT you! Lucky girl -- congrats :)
Natalie (Ontario, CANADA)
Congrats on being first! You go girl! I have never found a floss unraveling monster in my house either! hehe. I would have loved to have been there for the dead, cooked chicken, that would have been hilarious! Have a great day, happy not me'ing.
Great Not Me! moments and congrats on being 1st with Mr. Linky!! I'm not a mommy yet, but grabbing the camera before disciplining is something I would never do either!
A cooked chicken?!? Wonder if that was the same one I bought and then left at the grocery store...?!? Not me! ;-)
I clicked on your link from MCK page.
I love it when my husband thinks I'm funny! I know I'm really good when it makes him laugh.
And if you find out what God's purpose was in creating hissing cockroaches let me know. Because I can't think of a single good purpose for them.
Great Not Me's!!! The floss thing is too cute!! Defintely something my boys have done before!! They used to love unrolling the toilet paper too!! Have a great week!
You won!!! Yay for you!!! Cute pic of your floss-unraveling monster!!!
Like you, I really get excited about my husband reading my blog. What's with needing his approval anyway?? *grin* Congrats on getting yours posted FIRST! Woohoo!
Very nice! Always grabbing the camera first, I like it!
Ugh #3 here- you beat me by a millisecond! So jealous! Have a great Monday!
Wow, congrats on being #1... The dead chicken thing is CRAZY!
And how small is this world? I know the authoress of 3 Little Kiddos! too!
I was surprised to see her in your blog list- but glad to "meet" you, in some way.
Blessing to you!
#1 Not Me poster! Lucky Duck!
I live in Portland too. We love OMSI.
Your chicken story cracked me up! Love it!
Congrats on being #1 on Not me Monday~ that practically makes you a celebrity ;) Great Not Me Mommy Post! :) Heather in NC
I just wanted to say Congratualations on being first.. I would stick around.. but I need to go and find that chicken story. I can not wait to read that story. Thanks
ROFL @ the Chicken - too funny!
Lovin your blog :)
Congrats, girl!!!!
Great post! I have never taken pictures of my kids being bad before disciplining them, either!
Loved your list!!
My youngest daughter (2Y 10M) just got into the dental floss last week. Oh my gosh, she had it all over the place too. But, it was nowhere near as messy as the toothpaste she later got into. I should have taken pictures for comparison, huh?! :p LOL!!
You're first on the list!!!!! Yay!
Hee. That chicken's hilarious!
Congrats on being #1 over at MckMama's this week! You lucky duck (luckier than the chicken anyway!)
I have lots of pics of my kids emptying toilet paper rolls and videos of tantrums )to show them when they're older). : )
Congrats on being #1. I think the chicken story is so weird. But I guess if I saw a dead chicken lying in the road I"d rather it be a cooked one. Love the attack on the floss pic too!
How did you get to be #1 on McMama's blog? Wat to go!
Great list. I love the floss everywhere. Too funny!
The chicken story is hilarious! The kind of thing you'd expect from Candid Camera or something. Congrats on being the first post on MckMama's blog today.
I love your blog!! Congrats again on being in the covetted #1 spot :) I like your blog so much I'd like to put a link to it on mine. Is that ok with you? Blessings! Lisa
I love the floss!
found you through mckmama's mr linky!
just had to stop by and tell you that your blog is absolutely adorable!!!!
so nice meeting you.
Karen aka Lil Momma
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